fábula©-Laundry Management
fábula© Management and Control System for work centers, industrial laundries, hospitals, residences and geriatrics, that work with work and / or flat clothes through
RFID or barcodes.
Garment Marking and Reading Sistems
softex tarraco has a variety of systems and solutions for marking and reading labor and flatware Linens through intelligent labeling of RFID chips or barcodes.
Custom Made Software Solutions
Pioneering company in the development of custom software that adapted to the needs of each company or client helps to generate greater productivity and optimization of their resources.
Industrial Laundry in Abu Dhabi (UAE) uses RFID technology for the management and control of their clothes
Management and Control of Garments’ Pick-ups and Deliveries between a Laundry and a Hospital using fabula RFID system
fabula © RFID Management and Control System controlling the clothes entering and leaving the Laundry using an RFID Arch for dirty clothes and an RFID Packetizer in the clean area, once in the hospital deliveries and collections of all clothing using our Mobile Android solution – fabula © Explorer using a RFID gun.
Industrial Laundry in Abu Dhabi (UAE) uses RFID technology for the management and control of their clothes
RFID management and clothing Renting
Renting and RFID system that with this option, the Industrial Laundry provides its customers with the requested items according to their specifications while making sure they have a sufficient quantity of stock at par.
- Saving time and personnel.
- Minimize human error
- Effective and effective control of laundry
- Generation of daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly reports with a click of the button.
- Identifying all customer items with a serial code and its microchip.
- Easy to locate items with maximum speed.
- Online connection with free software.
H. Logyc leading company in the Industrial Laundry sector.
Labor Technical Uniformity Division
Traceability of the garments, use and follow-up, change of sizes or department, individualized and personalized control, delivery of clean clothes and collection of dirty clothes, identification of the garment via RFID or Bar Code, washing cycles, substitution garments or Security stock, garments in repair, provision of garments for temporary personnel.
Mas Albornà-Centro Special Labour facility
Identification, Sorting and Labeling of garments using HF RFID tecnology integrated with the simpLED solution.
Fiesta Hotels Group Industrial Laundry
Interview with the Laundry ARAN-ELI
Next we publish an interview made to our laundry client Aran-Eli in Renteria, Guipuzcua published in the NQL magazine.
See Interview pdf
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If you want to contact us, send us an email by clicking here: fabula@softextarraco.com